Anonymní cestovatel
• 02.07.2019
nikoliv ubytovani a sluzby hruza hlavne obsluha baru a jeho snidane, zkazeny juice, a balicek pred odletem nedal nikomu
Anonymní cestovatel
• 27.09.2018
Určitě ne,Koupelna v katastrofálním stavu,nefungující odpady, Servírka v restauraci arogantní k českým turistům.
Other hotels in the locality
Andreolas Beach
Tsamis Zante Suites
Argassi Beach
Dionysia studia
All photos and descriptions of this accommodation and catering and services for the tour are taken from the descriptions of the organizing travel agencies that have or had this accommodation on offer. The descriptions are for informational purposes only, the range of services and meals may vary depending on the organizing CK or the date of the tour. Only what is written in the travel contract is always decisive and binding.